Saturday, September 28th, 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM.
Kennedy Krieger Institute Outpatient Center
801 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD
Light refreshments will be served.
The meeting will be live-streamed.
Details will be sent closer to the date.
Featured speakers:

Orthopedic surgeon Leigh Ann Curl of Medstar Harbor Hospital is a world authority on scapular fixation surgery for FSHD patients. When she’s not fixing scapulae, she is busy repairing players on the Baltimore Ravens (current Super Bowl champions!).
From the University of Rochester, Shree Pandya, PT, DPT, MS, is a leading expert on physical therapy for FSHD patients. She wrote the FSH Society’s acclaimed brochure on physical therapy.
The venue is wheelchair-accessible and within driving distance for patients in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC and northern Virginia. The closest airport is Baltimore International (BWI). We can provide a list of convenient hotels If you would like to attend, please contact Lilleen Walters at or 703-835-1507. If you need local transportation, Lilleen will do her best to accommodate you. The on-site contact at the Kennedy Krieger Institute is Dr. Genila Bibat at 443-923-2697. out-of-town visitors.
We thank the Kennedy-Krieger Institute for providing the venue and for giving us permission to livestream this event for the benefit of patients and families who are unable to attend. Special thanks to Friends of FSH Research for financial support of the livestream package without commercial interruption.
This program is made possible by a grant from the FSH Society to the Kennedy Krieger Institute and contributions to the Society from members like you. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Best wishes,
June Kinoshita
Executive Director
FSH Society
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