We’re excited to see this ingenious concept for a mobility device. It’s being developed by Garrett Brown, inventor of the steadycam. Shown trying out a prototype is Alan Brown, who has FSH muscular dystrophy. Alan organized the Musclepalooza fundraiser last year. Thanks to David Garden for sending us this video.
Posted on: Sep 16, 2016
I’m wondering why if Alan Brown, tested the prototype before Garrett Brown presented the chair at the 04/2016 e.g. Conference that the Society is only now sharing this potentially great device only because David Garden sent in the video. THANK YOU David!!!
I realize drugs & genetics are the Society’s main focus but advances in technological devices some of us could use are not being reviewed and shared with members. This chair really appeals as would let one use arms even though they are weak and getting weaker. Exoskeleton wouldn’t give as much freedom as this chair might and cost right now is prohibitive too. I personally don’t want to be a drug trial participant but would gladly sign waiver to try out mechanical assistive devices.
I apologize if this or other tech advances are being shared on Facebook as I don’t & won’t use Facebook. Yahoo Group no longer valid medium either for me.
I’m a divorced widow living alone and working full time. I have a great support base but want to remain independent as long as possible. I’m wearing one piece knee high floor reactive AFOs and using arm crutches as balance is getting worse. I use a walker also at times outside of home & office. My balance is better without AFOs on but then tripping & knee buckling are more a threat. I’m looking at retiring when I turn 62 in 04/2017 as am exhausted by end of day. I use a small mail cart at the office to carry my laptop and paperwork from station to station or to make trips to and from printer and fax. A lot of up & down but would rather that than power chair as is a matter of ‘use it or lose it if I don’t walk.
Private insurance limits coverage of medical devices that actually fit my lifestyle and know Medicare won’t be much better when if I file for disability or wait till 65 for coverage.
So just asking the Society broaden scope of what it shares to help its members. Drug trials not desired
Several years ago, I was with my dear friend Trish, visiting her Aunt Joyce. Both are afflicted with FSHD and while Trish remains very mobile, Aunt Joyce is wheelchair bound. One of the activities she misses most is being able to dance. I drew a design for a “dancing chair” that is almost exactly what Garrett Brown has designed .
So, while the Elevating Walker Chair is wonderful for health benefits, please remember that it will also allow the spirit to flourish – dancing is joyful, especially when you can actually be held in someone’s arms while doing it.
Is this elevating wheelchair available for sale yet? Anyone know the cost?
This particular chair is not in commercial development yet as far as we know, but a similar device called the Tek Robotic mobilization device is on the market. In the U.S. it is distributed by Numotion.