If you are a Federal employee, you are most likely aware of the Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC. It is the official workplace giving campaign of the Federal government.
Pledges made by Federal civilian, postal, and military donors during the campaign season support eligible nonprofit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world.
How can you help? If you are a Federal employee or know someone who is, please consider directing your support to the FSH Society when making your pledge to the CFC. Our CFC number is 10239.
Pledges can be recurring or one-time donations, and can be made online, or by paper pledge form. When giving online, you can contribute through the CFC by payroll deduction, credit card, debit card or eCheck. When giving using a paper pledge form, you can contribute through the CFC by payroll deduction, cash or check.
It’s simple to setup a small regular payroll deduction – just a few dollars per pay period can make a huge difference!
Please share this information with family and friends who may have the ability to enroll in workplace giving through the CFC.
Again, the CFC number for the FSH Society is 10239.
The CFC is comprised of almost 200 individual campaigns throughout the United States and overseas. Each of these campaigns has a unique list of participating charitable organizations. Please contact your local CFC office to request a pledge form or access a local CFC Website – contact information can be found using this Campaign Locator.
Need help or have questions? You may email the CFC directly at CFC@OPM.gov, or call them at 202-606-2564. Or, browse their list of most frequently asked questions.
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