The 2021 FSHD Society Young Investigator Award at the International Research Congress was awarded to Giorgio Tasca, MD PhD, a neurologist at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario in Rome, Italy. Dr. Tasca received his medical degree (MD) with honors at the Catholic University in Rome, Italy in 2005 and his PhD in Neuroscience at the same institution in 2014. “His work has significantly advanced the knowledge about the potential of muscle imaging in FSHD as a diagnostic tool useful to clarify difficult cases, as an instrument to derive biomarkers of disease activity and progression, and finally as a research tool to investigate disease pathophysiology,” said professor Enzo Ricci regarding Dr. Tasca’s contributions. The FSHD Society is pleased to bestow this award to Dr. Tasca in recognition of his ongoing work in FSHD and looks forward to his continued contributions to the field.
Molto orgogliosi del prezioso contributo che il Dottor Tasca sta portando alla ricerca a favore di tutte le persone nel mondo affette da fshd.
Fshd Italia Onlus