Saturday, October 5, 024
Check-in opens at 1:00 PM, Walk & Roll begins promptly at 2:00 PM
Location: Frisco Commons Park , 8000 McKinney Rd, Frisco, TX 75034
Register to “walk or roll” today! Invite your family, friends, club members, neighbors, co-workers, classmates or congregation to join you. Everyone who registers will be given a free participant page and access to a state-of-the-art fundraising center. From there, you can share your story on social media and via email, and invite others to join you in getting us closer to a cure!
The Walk & Roll to Cure FSHD is the FSHD Society’s largest, annual fundraiser. It is also the ONLY signature event in North America dedicated to raising funds for FSHD research, cures, and community support.