18:00 PM CET | 17:00 PM UK | 12:00 PM Noon ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
As Rita Lynn has had to cancel her yoga session with us, we are happy to welcome Frank Hanley, who will lead us through some Qi Gong exercises. He always comes up with an interesting theme. We look forward to finding out what it will be this month.
For people living with FSHD who are interested in exercise and fitness, Feeling Fit with FSHD meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 12:00 pm (noon) U.S. Eastern Time. Come dressed for exercise and have on hand any safety and assistive devices you need. Not every exercise is appropriate or safe for every individual, so please use your best judgement and consult your health care provider.
Please come prepared with a stable chair or stool (back of chair is optional). You can also choose to bring light weights ranging from 1lb to 5lb.