18:00 PM CET | 17:00 PM UK | 12:00 PM Noon ET | 11:00 AM CT | 10:00 AM MT | 9:00 AM PT
This month we have the pleasure of welcoming Arielle Levy, a physical therapist who trained with Julie Herschberg (legendary in our community). We’re eager to meet the next generation of PTs who have deep understanding and training in neuromuscular condition.
About Arielle Levy, DPT
Arielle has been a doctor of physical therapy for 6 years with a specialization in neurologic rehabilitation. “I am passionate about combining my knowledge of the nervous system, biomechanics, exercise, and pain to help people improve function, quality of life, and reduce pain. I have always been fascinated by the human brain and body and have had a passion for dance, movement, and exercise from a young age. When I am not working I love to travel, dance, and cook!”
Feeling Fit with FSHD meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 12:00 pm (noon) U.S. Eastern Time. Come dressed for exercise and have on hand any safety and assistive devices you need. Not every exercise is appropriate or safe for every individual, so please use your best judgement and consult your health care provider.
Please come prepared with a stable chair or stool (back of chair is optional).