8:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm CT | 6:00 pm MT | 5:00 pm PT Back by popular demand, Dr. Jen Egert will lead us through a mindfulness meditation session. Dr. Egert is a clinical psychologist with FSHD who offers mindfulness based psychotherapy and workshops to cope with stress and anxiety. She began her own... Read More »
8:00 PM ET | 7:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM PT Carden Wyckoff This month we will host a roundtable conversation with young adults with FSHD. They were diagnosed as children or teens and will share their personal journeys of going through adolescence and becoming young adults while navigating the challenges... Read More »
1:00 PM ET | noon CT | 11:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM PT Dr. Nicholas Johnson Every year, we bring you an update on therapy development for FSHD. What strategies are being considered? How are different candidate drugs progressing through the process of reaching the clinic? What’s the latest on clinical trials? Nick Johnson,... Read More »
7:00pm ET | 6:00pm CT | 5:00pm MT | 4:00pm PT Dear friends, Welcome to the "Third Thursday" meetings of the North Carolina Chapter! Whether or not you've attended our group's events before, we hope you will join us for this casual, conversational monthly meeting. We have no specific agenda or topic, but we are... Read More »