Keynote Addresses

Dr. Bénédicte Chazaud
Dr. Bénédicte Chazaud is the Director of Research and Team Leader at the Institut NeuroMyoGène in Lyon, France.
Our research is dedicated to the role of environmental cells on adult muscle stem cell behavior in skeletal muscle regeneration. Our lab was pioneer in bringing the concept of a stromal support that directly act on muscle stem cells to regulate and promote an efficient muscle regeneration. The goal of our current studies is to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the cell interactions that allow a proper myogenesis in normal muscle regeneration and during degenerating myopathies.

Dr. Baziel van Engelen
Baziel van Engelen studied medicine at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and studied philosophy at the University of Amsterdam which he finished cum laude in 1992. He did his Neurology residency at the Universities of Berlin and Nijmegen, followed by a research fellowship in the Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation in Rochester Minnesota, USA. He became associate professor for neuromuscular diseases at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in 2000, full professor in 2003, and ENMC research director in 2010.
He has published over 250 articles in his research field. His focus is on clinical and translational research of neuromuscular disorders, especially myopathies.