Join BetterLife FSHD Today!

Every breakthrough in FSHD has been made because patients and their family members got involved. We believe a treatment is within sight; your participation will move us closer, faster.

FSH Muscular Dystrophy is different for everyone. Each person has their own unique journey with FSHD. The FSHD Society is here to educate and empower individuals to live their best lives until a cure is found.

There is great power in coming together. Around the globe, individuals with FSHD prove this every day. It is each person's unique strengths, skills, and interests that makes our community strong.
The FSHD Society is the world’s largest research-focused patient support organization. We work with people and organizations to identify the barriers slowing down the discovery of treatments and cure, then work together on solutions.
Following the highest standards financial accountability, the FSHD Society has transformed the landscape for FSHD research, and is committed to making sure that no one faces this disease alone.
Education: A Patient's Best Weapon for Change
FSHD University is your center for learning about the art and science of living with FSH muscular dystrophy. Our webinars and other resources are designed to empower individuals with FSHD to live their best lives, physically and mentally. Our departments of Physical Health, Wellness, and Research provide videos, articles, and other resources, by the world's top experts, including many people living with FSHD.
FSHD University is a place for you to gain knowledge, get connected, and find hope.
Latest Blog Posts
Miami FSHD Family Day Talks
Here are the agenda, speaker biographies, and presentation materials from our Miami FSHD Family Day Conference, which was held on Saturday, February 23, 2019, at the beautiful Newman Alumni Center at the University of Miami in Coral Gables. Click on the talk titles to download the slides. Best practices in caring for FSHD • FSHD…
The fate of the Fulcrum Phase 3 data
This invaluable data is coming to the FSHD Society by Lucienne Ronco, PhD, FSHD Society When a clinical trial fails, what happens to the data? It may include hundreds of thousands of measurements—blood chemistry, images, performances on physical tests, answers…
Upcoming Events
Young Adults – Nutrition and supplements
Zoom Virtual Meeting , United StatesYoung Adults Monthly Meeting 8:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm CT | 6:00 pm MT | 5:00 pm PT This is a reschedule of what had been planned for January. Our guest this month is Mark Tarnopolsky, MD PhD, professor of pediatrics and medicine and director of the Neuromuscular and Neurometabolic Clinic at McMaster University...
Parents’ Roundtable – Lung Care in Pediatric FSHD
Zoom Virtual Meeting , United StatesParents' Roundtable 8:00 PM ET | 7:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM PT Daniel Hinds, MD This month, we'll be joined by Daniel Hinds, MD, a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pulmonary Medicine at the University of Iowa. Dr. Hinds is the Fellowship Director and Director of the Rare...
Raise Your Voice! Advocacy Call to Action – FSHD University with Anna Gilmore
Zoom Web Conference , United StatesRaise Your Voice! Advocacy Call to Action - FSHD University with Anna Gilmore 19:00 CET | 18:00 GMT | 1:00 p.m. ET | 12:00 p.m. CT | 11:00 a.m. MT | 10:00 a.m. PT Are you ready to make an impact for FSHD research? Join us on March 20 as we discuss our call to...
We bring people together to find solutions; researchers, doctors, the drug development industry, patients and families. Your participation is the key. There are many ways you can get involved.