[…] George Pollock, who is racing across America this June to raise awareness and funds for FSHD, was featured in his high school’s magazine. In the article, George discusses what gave […]
The Moving Story of George Pollock’s quest to Race Across America
FSH Society grant award for myostatin study
[…] to enable muscle to achieve greater mass than it otherwise would. In conditions such as FSHD, where muscle mass is lost, a myostatin inhibitor would in theory enable muscle to re-grow without […]
Our new Physical Therapy brochure
Hot off the press, here’s our updated Physical Therapy brochure! Co-written by leading FSHD experts Katy Eichinger, PhD, Shree Pandya, PT, DPT, MS, and Wendy King, PT, the brochure provides […]
FSH Society Supporters Dr. Michael Kyba and Marge Brchan Share Their Story With FOX 9 Minneapolis
[…] clip, click here. After being diagnosed at 19 years old, Brchan has battled the effects of FSHD most of her life. “It was very hopeless,” said Brchan. “They knew very little about […]
Rare Disease Day at NIH
Frank Kolakowski and Manuel Gomez, FSHD advocates extraordinaire, were on hand to represent FSH muscular dystrophy at this year’s National Institutes of Health Rare Disease Day event. Thank you!